Delivery Information

  • Please ensure all goods listed on the delivery docket enclosed have arrived to you and are in good order.
  • A signature received from the recipient is deemed as acceptance of the goods.
  • Any claims of damage or short delivery must be made within 72 hours of receipt of delivery. Gianni&Costa takes no responsibility thereafter. Images of any damage must be sent to
  • The driver will require assistance from the receiver to unload large items. If no assistance is available, the delivery will be deemed futile and a new delivery will need to be organised.
  • On the agreed day of delivery, our driver will message when on approach.  If no one is home, the driver will wait 15 minutes, after which all futile delivery charges will be passed onto the purchaser in case of futile delivery.
  • Deliveries are to ground floor only – generally the garage or front of house – and no further.  Heavy items such as stone bath tubs will be delivered within the lot as far as a pallet jack can travel.
  • We do not deliver inside the house and cannot go past stairs, loose surface, steep driveways, or uneven surfaces.  In such circumstances the goods will be dropped off at that point and the client must make own arrangements.